Thanks to another savvy colleague, I set up an RSS feed earlier this year, using Bloglines. I have to confess that I was not very regular about looking at it in fall. Now I've organized my feeds, so I can look at categories - Children's Lit, "Library Stuff," Education, Marketing, etc. My favorite site is Stephen's Lighthouse - Stephen Abram's blog. (His CASLIS Evening Event is great.) I wasn't very selective at first, just subscribing to everything I found. Now I need to get rid of what I don't find as useful.
I also subscribed to a few fun feeds like skits from the Morning Show from MPR - my favorite radio program, Daily Show videos, etc. I'm sure there will be some Election 2008 blogs that I'll want to subscribe to, as I've become pretty addicted to the election/primary/caucus news these past weeks.